Why Does My Furnace Keep Turning On and Off in My Breese, IL Home?

furnace turning on and off Breese, IL
Breese, IL furnace turning on and off issues

If your furnace keeps turning on and off frequently in your home in Breese, IL, you may be dealing with a common issue known as short cycling. While this can be frustrating, it’s also an indicator that something is wrong with your heating system. Understanding the causes behind short cycling is crucial because it can lead to higher energy bills, uncomfortable indoor temperatures, and even damage to your furnace over time. In this post, we’ll explore some of the common reasons why your furnace might be short cycling and how to address the issue.

Thermostat Issues

One of the most common reasons your furnace may be turning on and off rapidly is a problem with your thermostat. If the thermostat is improperly placed near a heat source (like a vent or window), it may detect higher temperatures than what’s accurate, leading to a cycle of the furnace turning off prematurely. In some cases, the thermostat itself may be malfunctioning. A miscalibrated thermostat can cause your furnace to stop and start too often, disrupting the normal heating cycle. If your thermostat is old or faulty, consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat that offers better control over your home’s temperature settings.

Clogged Air Filters

A dirty or clogged air filter is another common culprit for short cycling. Air filters are designed to trap dust, dirt, and other particles from entering your HVAC system, but if they become too clogged, the airflow to your furnace can be restricted. When airflow is restricted, your furnace can overheat, causing the system to shut down prematurely to protect itself from damage. To prevent this, be sure to check and replace your furnace’s air filters regularly, especially during the colder months when your furnace is working harder.

Oversized Furnace

If your furnace is too large for your home, it will heat your space too quickly and then shut off before completing a full heating cycle. This might seem like a good thing—quick heat—but it actually causes the system to work harder, which can wear down components and decrease efficiency. An oversized furnace also creates uneven temperatures throughout your Breese, IL home. The furnace will constantly be cycling on and off, leading to wasted energy and a higher risk of future breakdowns. If you suspect it is oversized, it may be worth consulting an HVAC professional to evaluate the sizing of your system.

Blocked or Closed Vents

Blocked or closed vents can also lead to short cycling. If the air can’t circulate properly through your home’s ductwork, it can cause a buildup of pressure or heat inside the system. This often triggers the furnace’s safety mechanisms, causing it to shut off unexpectedly. Ensure that your vents are open and unblocked by furniture, curtains, or other household items. This simple fix can often resolve the short cycling problem and help your furnace run more efficiently.

furnace turning on and off issue Breese, IL

Faulty Flame Sensor

The flame sensor in your furnace is a safety feature designed to shut down the system if no flame is detected after ignition. Over time, the flame sensor can get dirty or corroded, causing it to malfunction and mistakenly shut off the furnace. If the flame sensor is dirty or faulty, it may cause it to short cycle as it struggles to maintain consistent operation. Cleaning or replacing the flame sensor can resolve this issue, but it’s best to have a professional technician perform this task.

Live in Breese, IL, looking for an HVAC technician to help fix the issue of your furnace turning off & on? Call Mideastern Plumbing & Heating today.

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